
Friday, 1 December 2017

Dear Love ..

Dear Love ..

I pondered the entire day trying to recount the encounter I've had with you so far in my life.

We have had a very on and off relationship with each other since my school days.. it took me a while to recognise that it was you and not just an infactuation or a crush ( Your stupid silly siblings confusing the lives of teenagers). And trust me, she tried her level best to blame it on them for the reason she looked smitten every time our eyes met. And even I brushed my feelings aside trying to ignore you till the moment she decided to bid a goodbye to our short time together.

She left and you showed up on my doorstep the next day. I blame you for all the sleepless nights I've had and my blunt emotionless demeanour while she was gone. You tormented me, made me jealous, angry and vulnerable at the same time. I fought you day in and day out trying to push you away from my life but you clingy creature hung on till I gave up and conceded to you. It was you - Love.

I wondered if its just the feeling of you was what I was missing then I could just find you in someone else again. But you evil twisted genius,you proved me wrong. It was her and none else. None could me make me feel you. And I admit. I enjoy your company.

So, the pursuit. Acted aloof, stalked her, drunk dialled her and did a thousand other things which would have gotten me a bloody restraining order had I been abroad. But India me toh this is the guide to find you. Finally gave up on my pursuit and gave up my hope of finding you ever back.

I let her move on. Sad and in agony, I missed you through her everyday for a horrible phase of my life. And finally out of pity, you evil twisted genius, decided to knock on her door.

And this time, we have both decided to grasp onto you. We're not letting you go.

So, I concede to you through her and I promise to treat you right this time. Enough of me trying to push you away and abusing you. I don't find happiness without you. I wanna wake up everyday knowing that you are in my life with her beside me. And for the part of you in her, I vouch for her happiness, her safety, her comfort and everything which makes her complete with you in her life through me.

In all, thanks for this bittersweet relationship we've had with each other and with her.

Sincerely yours,